Climate Reality KING COUNTY Newsletter - Bill McGibben Tonight! & No-2117

Third Act Washington (TAWA) presents author, educator and environmental activist Bill McKibben on July 2 at 7:00pm in a talk about what’s needed now to save our planet and democracy, what’s bringing him joy and gives him hope,and why he believes Third Act can have a huge impact on making our world a better place for all of us, and for generations to come.

Bill is renowned for mobilizing popular support for action on climate justice and democracy.  He has authored 20 books, including The End of Nature (1989) which is regarded as the first book for a general audience about climate change. He also helped found, the first global grassroots climate campaign, which has organized protests on every continent, including Antarctica, for climate action.  In 2022 he founded Third Act, a national organization with over 70,000 members that organizes people over the age of 60 for action on climate, justice, and democracy.

Bill McKibben in Seattle on July 2nd

The LIVE event tonight is sold out, but there are FREE tickets to view event online. Click here for info.

Hang in There!!!

Taking a moment to acknowledge there’s a lot at stake with both No on 2117 and the Federal Election. We’re in this together, and more to come as things take shape closer to November. Stay present, breathe, and connect with others!

"The will to act is a renewable resource in itself" - Al Gore

No on 2117 - Volunteer Opportunities

We each have individual life experiences that lead us to the action(s) that makes sense as we approach the next election. That might be donations, volunteering, or even calling family/friends in other states to share how important this election is for continuing to address climate change. In Washington, we have to defeat I-2117 to protect the price on carbon we already have.

A few more comments….

  • Did you know that Climate Reality King County has a KIVA Microloan group, with over $30,000 in team loans already made?! Click here to join the team and make “Eco-friendly” loans (e.g. Solar or Biodigesters).

  • Newsletter Contact: Michael Truog (Chair), [email protected]