Climate Reality KING COUNTY Newsletter - NO on I-2117 Coalition Launch

Welcome to newly trained Climate Reality Leaders who just attended training in NYC and other new chapter members. :)

No on I-2117 campaign kicked off!!

Kick Off to Campaign for No on I-2117 happened this week. In case you got texts or emails from other climate groups, we’re all aligning behind the coordinated No on I-2117 campaign!

We already have the Climate Commitment Act in WA that is setting (ever decreasing) limits on pollution, with carbon auction proceeds aiding the transition to clean energy! From now until November election, we need to make the case across the state to vote NO on I-2117 in order to keep the climate policy already in place. Link to GeekWire article on reasons to protect the CCA.

What can we do? Vote and tell friends, family, neighbors, and colleagues to vote NO. Be ready for get out the vote actions, writing letters to the Editor, helping with tabling events, and more to come on specific actions as we get direction from the No on I-2117 campaign. Citizens’ Climate Lobby (CCL) & Sierra Club regularly table at Farmer’s Markets, and other events, and Climate Reality is planning to table at the West Seattle Farmers Market in the coming months. Email [email protected] if you ‘re interested in tabling or know of a good location or event to get the word out.

Check out the just launched video below for talking points, and to learn more.

Updates from Last Legislative Session

In the last WA Climate Reality quarterly meeting sponsored by the Bellingham Chapter, Rep. Alex Ramel, provided highlights from Leg. Session. Awesome meeting!!

#1 HOUSE bill 1589: helps the largest state utility Puget Sound Energy (PSE) to transition to clean energy and prevents possible spikes in the cost of natural gas down road. First legislation of its type in country. A huge step, what a win!

#2 Climate Commitment Act. Absolute Cap on Carbon Emissions which are lower each year which auctions where proceed fund the transition off of fossil fuels, so we’re not leaving workers or lower-income communities behind. This is what vote No on I-2117 protects. A new bill that passed SB 6058 now aligns Washinton’s carbon market with California’s and Quebe’s, strengthening the predictability and affordability of the Climate Commitment Act.

#3 Requirement for zero-emission school busses (electric or potentially hydrogen). There is now money from the CCA to help rural and lower income districts transition to electric.

#4 Geothermal Electricity is an under explored opportunity but in development stage. Think of areas where there is hot water (100s if not 1000s of degrees) from volcanos, which can provide clean base load electricity (24/7) Potential of hundreds of Megawatts (if not GigaWatt!)

#5 Thermal Energy Networks. Shared heating systems across buildings that can provide 400% to 600% thermal efficiency. One key point of this exciting technology is current gas workers can be part of this new solution “putting pipes in the ground rather than defending an aging fossil fuel infostructure.”

Note: These were some higher level talking points from the meeting, with some supplemental notes added (not sure whether Geothermal Energy or Thermal Energy Networks interplay with the Climate Commitment Act - more to come!)

A few more comments….

  • EN-ROADS Climate Solutions Simulator which allow you to adjust different levers of climate action to see the effects on future global temperatures.

  • Link to Climate Reality King Country Facebook group.

  • Did you know that Climate Reality King County has a KIVA Microloan group, with over $35,000 in team loans already made?! Click here to join the team and make “Eco-friendly” loans (e.g. Solar).

    Next quarterly Zoom meeting is scheduled for June 3rd @ 7:00p, hosted by Snohomish County Chapter with more updates on I-2117. More details to come via email and on Facebook page.

  • Upcoming topic “Finding your Climate voice in the Workplace” Reach out ([email protected]) if you are successfully doing this already.

  • Newsletter Contact: Michael Truog (Chair), [email protected]